Tiffany phipps

About Tiffany

I am a Florida born and raised wife and stay at home mother of four children. My husband and I have a blended family, I have one son, my husband has a son and a daughter and we have one daughter together. His, hers and ours as some like to say :) We have been together for the last 7 years making our crazy dynamic a beautiful life. I love to spend time with family, workout (currently running and barre are my two favorite things to do), and I am a cookie wife (my friend and I bake and decorate cookies, though I am currently taking break). I'm about to start online school with the Integrative Institute of Nutrition. Though I'm not always perfect with my diet or working out, I am curious and driven to know and learn more to help my body operate in an optimal state. I am a former mediocre (I could finish) triathlete lol. I didn't do anything sports related growing up as a child and I started running because my best friend in South FL wanted me to sign up for a 5k with her. My goal was to just finish, and I was so excited when I did that after that I was hooked to the challenge. 5ks turned into sprint tri's and sprint tri's turned into a 1/2 Ironman. I've always wanted to be a apart of something bigger, to make a difference. I competed and fundraised with Team in Training many years ago and this year I helped fundraise for Pancreatic Cancer Awareness to honor the loss of one of my closest friends. I hope to continue to be able to set an example for my children and help make even just a tiny difference in the lives of others.


I would love to be an ambassador to help raise awareness to others. The Wygands are very special to me and what they continue to do to keep little Luke happy and healthy is amazing! When the world tells them no, they say, thanks we'll go elsewhere and they continue to move forward doing things everyone told them they couldn't. They are an inspiration to so many out there and being in their court helping the fight would be an absolute honor!